Trademark Service Order Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What would you like to protect? (Select one category. If you would like to trademark multiple categories, please place one order per category) *Business name or brand nameStylized special form (Logo): Mark includes a design or word(s) combined with a design, or is displayed in a particular font style, size, and/or colorSloganWhat name to trademark (Please provide multiple option for availability): *Does your mark include a living person’s name—even if a stage name or pseudonym or could it be perceived to include a person’s name? *YesNoIf your answer is yes to above question, does your mark include a name (including a pseudonym, nickname or stage name) that is yours? (If your answer is no to above question, please select "Not Applicable")YesNoNot ApplicableIf your answer to above question is "No", what is the name of the living person in your mark?Does your mark include any words other than English or non-Latin characters? *YesNoIf yes, please provide the English translation or transliteration of any non-Latin characters or non-English words:Are you currently using your trademark to provide products or services to consumers (Your trademark won’t register until you provide proof of use): *YesNo, but tend to use in the future1. If yes, first use anywhere (mm/dd/yyyy)1. If yes, first use in commerce (mm/dd/yyyy)Please describe, in as much detail as possible, your business and the goods or services that are/will be offered under your brand. *Who will own the trademark *Organization - Business entity, such as an LLC or corporationIndividual (skip question 12a. to 12e.)12a. Organization Formation: US BasedNon US Based12b.Organization Type (LLC or others):12c. State of Formation if US Based or Country of Formation if Non US Based: 12d. Company information (Each line please provide incorporation address including state & country, website, phone number) *12e. Position: 12f. Name *FirstLast12g. Citizenship:12h. Email *12i. Other individual information, including address & phone number: *Submit